How do I get access to the SalesViewer® API?

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How do I get access to the SalesViewer® API? Integrations

How do I get access to the SalesViewer® API?

SalesViewer® extends the possibilities of data usage and integration by providing a powerful API. This interface enables experienced users and developers to connect external software to SalesViewer® and exchange data seamlessly. Here you can find out how to access the API documentation and what you need to bear in mind.


The use of the SalesViewer® API requires technical know-how. It is therefore primarily intended for IT experts and developers who are familiar with the implementation of API interfaces.

Please note that the SalesViewer® API is not a plug-and-play solution. Successful integration requires careful planning and configuration to ensure that the data exchange between SalesViewer® and external systems works as desired.

For specific requests or integration support, you can contact the SalesViewer® team directly at Our support team is ready to help you with technical questions or challenges.

API key

The API key required to access the API can be found in your SalesViewer® account in the menu under Projects & Tracking.

Access to the API documentation and other resources can be found here:

Brief documentation of the API

  • Introduction: The SalesViewer® API uses REST to provide content primarily in JSON format.
  • REST Service Definition: The complete formal API description is written in Swagger 2.0 and is accessible via the interactive Swagger UI documentation.
  • API Query Language SVQL: The API uses the SVQL query language for a simple and clear search and filtering of content.
  • SVAPI Test console: In addition to the interactive Swagger UI console, we also offer our own test tool.
  • SVschema JSON schema of the API objects: The SVschema JSON Schema Viewer is available for a detailed view of the API objects.

For information on other SalesViewer® integration options, visit