Changing the language settings in your SalesViewer® account

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Changing the language settings in your SalesViewer® account Account & administration

Changing the language settings in your SalesViewer® account

Follow these simple steps to change the language of your account:

Step 1: Log in to your SalesViewer® account

Log in to your SalesViewer® account with your access data.

Step 2: Open menu

Once you have logged in, click on the account menu at the top right of the user interface. This is represented by your profile picture or your initials.

Step 3: Edit profile

In the menu that opens, you will find the “Edit profile” option. Select this to access the settings where you can customize personal information and preferences.

Step 4: Select language

You will find the language settings within the profile editing. Here you can select the desired language from a list of available languages. Once you have clicked on your preferred language, please save your changes to complete the customization.