Use of session recordings in SalesViewer®

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Use of session recordings in SalesViewer® Features

Use of session recordings in SalesViewer®

With the help of SalesViewer® session recordings, you can observe the activities of companies on your website in the form of a video recording. This allows you to see how visitors behave on your website, which pages they visit, which buttons they click on, which content they mark, which forms are interacted with and which content is most relevant to each visitor.

What are the specific benefits of session recordings?

  • Identify UX & UI optimization potential early on
    By identifying UX and UI optimization potential early on, you can improve them in such a way that user satisfaction and efficiency are increased, while costs and development times can be reduced at the same time.

    UX (User Experience) refers to the overall experience of the user.
    UI (User Interface) refers to the visual design and interactive elements with which the user interacts directly, such as buttons, menus and layouts.
  • Identifying sales-relevant content
    Session recordings enable your company to understand exactly which information and offers are most appealing to potential customers. This allows you to optimize sales strategies in a targeted manner and significantly increase the success rate of customer acquisition.
  • Training and coaching of employees
    Session recordings can also be used to train employees by providing illustrative examples of customer interactions and typical user behaviors.
  • Improving product development
    By understanding in detail how users interact with different features of the website, data-driven decisions can be made about product improvements or new features.

Frequently asked questions about SalesViewer® session recordings

Is the page speed of my website affected by session recordings?
The session recordings feature has no impact on the loading speed of your website, as our technology works asynchronously ensuring that no important processes are blocked.

Why is my website displayed differently in the session recordings?
SalesViewer® tries to display your website in the best possible way in the recordings, but it may happen that certain fonts and icons are displayed in a “simplified” way, as access to external content is only possible to a limited extent or is blocked. However, the website is displayed normally for the respective website visitor who was recorded.

Can I download or export the session recordings?
Session recordings cannot be downloaded or exported as they are not video recordings or video files in the traditional meaning. The session recordings in SalesViewer® use algorithmic tracking to reproduce or simulate website access as close to reality as possible.
This allows the recording to be available to you in your SalesViewer® account within a few seconds/minutes (depending on the length of the session).

What do the different colors and symbols in the recording stand for?
The colors and symbols that are displayed when you watch a recording,
are designed to help you understand or interpret the information that can be taken from the session recording more easily. A precise description of the individual colors and symbols, as well as shortcuts for operating the video player, can be found in the session recording at the bottom left after clicking on the info symbol.
Blue markers, for example, represent a page navigation, red markers a click and the green coloring of the timeline indicates general activities.